Diet Templates

What you’ll get is:

  • Different plans for hard, moderate, light, and non-training days with a workout rating guide to help you determine which rating to use.
  • 5 different options for training early morning, late morning, afternoon, evening, and late PM
  • A “how to” guide to using the diet templates to reach your goals
Customized for you!

In order for us to send you a template that fits your needs, we’ll need just a couple of pieces of information and input from you, to be filled out and submitted right here on the site before checkout. We’ll need your:

  • Gender
  • Current Body Weight
  • Acceptance of the Medical & Legal Waiver (required for purchase, also available on the product selections page). These diets are NOT for those with diabetes, thyroid conditions, pregnant, breastfeeding, or a history of diagnosed eating disorders or any other metabolic or digestive tract related diseases (including gastric bypass surgery).